Gracie's Miracle

Gracie's Miracle
Our beautiful model Tots

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Another Beautiful Day In Sunny California

So, today was the day that we did the Farmer's Market. My morning started off a little rough because other than having to wake up at 6am, Charlie Brown my 12 year old poodle, got a wild hair up his butt that he needed to go with me. As a matter of fact he was adament about it. He shot out of the house like a bat at of hell while I was dragging Tiana, one of my rescued chihuahuas, by her leash. Spidey, my little mischeif maker, decided to make a run for it when he saw his opportunity, because he too was intent on getting to the parking lot to catch his ride. This is all happening at 6:45 in the morning and I was trying desparately to not raise my voice and wake up the neighbors in the process. It turns out that today was the condo association's community garage sale, so the parking lot was like Grand Central Station, and I was terrified that one or both of my 2 hard headed 4-legged children were going to be smooshed by one of the many cars pulling in and out of our parking lot. As I was runnig up to the parking lot to catch my 2 wayward mutts I dropped the backpack I had on my back and spilled the cart carrying things I needed for the Farmer's Market, while tugging Tiana along the whole time. I'd be darned if I was going to let her leash go and have 3 dogs on the loose. I scurried out to the parking lot with my hands flying in the air to ward off the two approaching vehicles, and as I skidded to a hault with Tiana in tow, looking like a madwoman to the drivers of the cars, I scanned the lot to see my 2 little bad boys sitting on the grass watching the whole incident play out. I guess they were smarter than I thought. Needless to say, no longer was I tired because of waking up so early. As a matter of fact, it got the adrenaline pumping. I took Charlie Brown back down to the house telling him that he was not able to go because he was being punnished for being such a bad doggy and also being a bad role model for Spidey. Course, I really didn't plan on bringing him in the first place, but that's okay, he didn't need to know that.
After my little parking lot mishap, we headed to the Farmer's Market. I have to say that it was kind of cool actually setting up our booth. It was a little tough in the beginning because all of my letters for the Gracie's Miracle sign was all mixed up, but once I was able to separate the ones out that I needed, it seemed to go much smoother after that. As I said in my previous blog, this Farmer's Market was a way to get our toes wet in the vendor scene before taking on a big street festival of 60,000. I enjoyed the people at the Farmer's Market. Everyone from the other vendors to the lady who heads it all up to the people who came shopping at the Farmer's Market were really nice and made it an enjoyable experience. I can't say that it is the venue that we would be interested in doing again, because there is so much time and setup that goes into putting up the booth, but it did give us an idea of how it will play out for the booths that we will be puting up in the future. We got to bask in the sun with our little poochies, while meeting some incredibly nice people. All in all, it was a nice experience.
After the Farmer's Market I came home to finally relax and catch up with some housework that I had fallen behind in. Life has been so hectic with starting Gracie's Miracle that it's been tougher keeping up with my domestic duties. Oh well, a little clutter never killed anyone.
I have a new product that I can't wait to release and it's almost ready to go on the market. It's called Gracie's Miracle moisturizing paw pad spray. My Mom gave it a try today, and loved it. She said that it would be great for humans. My goal is to have all of my product safe and natural, yet appealing at the same time, for pets and humans. I know there have been many products that I have purchased for my pets that when I got them home to use, they either smelled horrible, or smelled like they tasted horrible and I thought at the time,"why would I make my poor pet suffer through something that I couldn't stomach."
So, another day has come to an end and I feel myself getting drowsy, but there is still so much going on in my head that I know needs to be done. I finally am excited for the next day to arrive, just so I can get back to working on this fantastic business that God has blessed us with.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you had fun today! Loved the blog, it made me laugh. Now for the first time in 2 weeks I am going to bed before 11pm. Nighty night!
